Natalie Hawkins - Disability Supported Employment Manager
I have worked within a variety of services for disabled people for over twenty-five years. My experience includes residential, adult education, adult social care and supported employment. I have a degree in Inclusion in Society and am passionate about making sure the world becomes more accepting of everyone and their uniqueness.
I have managed the team that supports disabled people into work at Enable since 2011. I love to see the difference the right employment makes to lives of the people and the impact in workplaces when diversity is embraced. I also enjoy delivering training, particularly sharing the magic while delivering courses in Training in Systematic Instruction.
I find decorating cakes very mindful; you might not believe it but it’s a great way of relaxing and taking care of mental wellbeing. One of my favourites was a brain cake made from lemon drizzle …feel free to ask to see the photo!