Sophie’s Success Story

Sophie has found her place and is thoroughly enjoying her new responsibilities. We are so proud of Sophie. Just look at her showing off her furry friend’s moves! Here’s what she has to say about her new job:

What do you do on a daily basis at work? 

I feed the dogs and clean inside kennels and I am responsible for general wash and maintenance of both the site and the animals. I speak to the public when they have queries, both in reception and while they are on-site looking at the animals.  I make sure internal areas are tidy, such as the staff room and the office as well as answer phone calls that come in.  

What is your favourite part of the role?  

I have several favourite roles within my Job. These include but are not limited to: Working with the animal and speaking to the general public.  I love both of these sectors as I love being around the animals and I also love being on hand to assist the public with any questions they have or any information that they require. I love the feeling of helping on multiple levels, and this role provides that for me. 

How have you found your role? 

I really love the role; it is incredibly rewarding and a great passion of mine.   The staff are lovely, and the work culture is brilliant, we all get along and nothing is too much for anyone here.  It really is my dream role and I feel very lucky to be doing what I do.